/L1"C/C++" C_LANG Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ Escape Char = \ String Chars = "' File Extensions = C CPP CC CXX H HPP AWK /Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> , .? /Function String = "%^([a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]*]+^)[ ^t]+([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9.!]++)[~;]" /Function String 1 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9*]*::^([a-zA-Z_0-9^~]+^)[ ^t^p]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]/*^-'=:&a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]" /Function String 2 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9^][a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]]+[ ^t*]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]" /Function String 3 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9*&$^[^]*]+[ ^t]+[a-zA-Z_0-9*&$^[^]]+[ ^t*]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]" /Function String 4 = "%[a-z_0-9^[^]*]++ [a-z_0-9*^[^]]+[ ^t]++[a-z_0-9*^[^]]+[ ^t]++^([*a-z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]" /Function String 5 = "%^([a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]*]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./()!]++)[~;]" /Indent Strings = "{" "if" "else" ":" /Unindent Strings = "}" /Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "[" /Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]" /Open Fold Strings = "{" /Close Fold Strings = "}" /C1"Keywords" auto break bool case char const continue default do double defined else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while __asm __based __cdecl __declspec __except __far __fastcall __finally __fortran __huge __inline __int16 __int32 __int64 __int8 __interrupt __leave __loadds __near __pascal __saveregs __segment __segname __self __stdcall __try __uuidof #define #error #include #include_next #elif #if #line #else #ifdef #pragma #endif #ifndef #undef /C2"C++ Keywords" catch class const_cast delete dynamic_cast explicit export false friend inline mutable new namespace operator private protected public reinterpret_cast static_cast template this throw true try typeid typename using virtual wchar_t __multiple_inheritance __single_inheritance __virtual_inheritance /C3"Microsoft C extensions" dllexport dllimport naked 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NewPassword NextRecordset OLEDrag OnAddinsUpdate OnConnection OnDisconnection OnStartupComplete Open OpenConnection OpenDatabase OpenQueryDef OpenRecordset OpenResultset OpenURL Overlay PaintPicture Paste PastSpecialDlg PeekData Play Point PopulatePartial PopupMenu Print PrintForm PropertyChanged PSet Quit Raise RandomDataFill RandomFillColumns RandomFillRows rdoCreateEnvironment rdoRegisterDataSource ReadFromFile ReadProperty Rebind ReFill Refresh RefreshLink RegisterDatabase Reload Remove RemoveAddInFromToolbar RemoveItem Render RepairDatabase Reply ReplyAll Requery ResetCustom ResetCustomLabel ResolveName RestoreToolbar Resync Rollback RollbackTrans RowBookmark RowContaining RowTop Save SaveAs SaveFile SaveToFile SaveToolbar SaveToOle1File Scale ScaleX ScaleY Scroll Select SelectAll SelectPart SelPrint Send SendData Set SetAutoServerSettings SetData SetFocus SetOption SetSize SetText SetViewport Show ShowColor ShowFont ShowHelp ShowOpen ShowPrinter ShowSave ShowWhatsThis SignOff 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